In Part 1 of this series you will gain the knowledge and tools you need to understand the physical structure and function of your soil. We will define soil texture and structure and explore some techniques to determine your soil type. We will also explore how water flows through soil, methods to prevent compaction, and a procedure to perform your own soil percolation test. After this class you will be able to know your soil better as you perform these tests in your own yard!
Presented by:
Nancy Kruberg is both a Master Composter and Master Gardener. She has researched and studied living soils as part of the Master Gardeners’ Soil Specialists group and with Dr. Elaine Ingham. She enjoys growing edibles and caring for animals as well as sharing her knowledge and passion for growing healthy plants and working with nature.
Nick Landolfi is a Research Immunologist who became a Master Gardener upon his retirement. He enjoys maintaining his vegetable beds, fruit trees, a Japanese garden and koi pond. He is currently a Soil Specialist and Chair, New Member Education for the Master Gardeners of San Mateo and San Francisco counties.